

贫民区电力合作社 and Conexon连接 leverage broadband awards to bring world-class high-speed fiber internet to rural Floridians

2023年6月19日 | 0评论 | 返回|

佛罗里达州摩尔港.2023年6月19日 – 贫民区电力合作社 announced it has secured $5,000,000 in funding through 佛罗里达's Broadband Opportunity Program to enhance broadband internet access for underserved communities in 佛罗里达. This funding is in addition to an initial Broadband Opportunity Program award of $5,000,今年2月,该合作公寓宣布了1万英镑的报价, 总奖金达到了10美元,000,000.


Glades Electric is partnering with leading rural internet service provider Conexon连接 to launch and deploy a 将近2600英里 光纤到户(FTTH)网络 goal of providing fiber broadband access to all of its 大约有13600 成员.


The current award will fund the construction of 795 miles of the fiber network to serve 1,195 unserved locations within 高地 and Okeechobee Counties with symmetrical (上传和下载速度相同) capabilities of up to 2 gigabits per second. It will encompass the communities of Lorida and the Lake Josephine area in 高地 County, 还有贝辛格, 维京地产, 以及奥基乔比县的奥基乔比.


Glades Electric’s nearly $50 million network is expected to be completed within three years. 连接, 由Glades电力合作社提供动力, network – with its symmetrical multi-gigabit internet capabilities – will deliver a world-class, future-proof solution to those living and working in Glades territory.


贫民区电力合作社 is committed to closing the digital divide and improving the quality of life for rural Floridians. With the support of the Broadband Opportunity Program, this transformative project will foster economic growth, 受教育机会, and enhanced connectivity in its communities for years to come.


关于 贫民区电力合作社

贫民区电力合作社 was formed in 1945 to serve residents of 佛罗里达’s rural heartland who had been left behind in the electrification of 佛罗里达. 今天, Glades Electric provides power to more than 17,000个账户超过2个,在贫民区的部分地区有600英里的线路, 亨得利, 高地, 和奥基乔比县.


关于 Conexon连接

Conexon连接 is the internet service provider (ISP) arm of rural fiber broadband design and construction management leader Conexon. The subsidiary was formed to operate and manage cooperative fiber-to-the-home networks. Connect leverages Conexon’s decades of co-op operations, 光纤设计与施工, 电信, federal and state lobbying and customer experience management expertise to successfully launch and operate projects. 连接 approach is to work with electric cooperatives to launch and deploy high-speed fiber-optic networks – the gold standard of communications transmission – enabling them to offer world-class fiber broadband to their 成员. Connect today is partnering with multiple cooperatives in Colorado, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 肯塔基和密苏里.


关于 Conexon

Conexon works with Rural Electric Cooperatives to bring fiber to the home in rural communities. The company is comprised of professionals who have worked in electric cooperatives and the 电信 industry and offer decades of individual experience in business planning, 构建网络, marketing and selling 电信. Conexon offers its electric cooperative clients end-to-end broadband deployment and operations support, from a project’s conception all the way through to its long-term sustainability. It works with clients to analyze economic feasibility, 安全的融资, 设计网络, 管理建设, 提供运营支持, optimize business performance and determine optimal partnerships. 到目前为止, Conexon has assisted more than 275 electric cooperatives, 其中75家正在部署光纤网络, 超过500人,000 rural Americans connected to fiber to the home. The company has secured more than$2 billion in federal, state and local grants and subsidies for its clients.





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Enhancing the quality of life in 高地 County by attracting a variety of new businesses and increasing industrial investment, all while facilitating the retention and successful expansion of existing businesses and industry.


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