从幼儿园到大学, Highlands County and its surrounding area offers quality education that is accessible and affordable.
K - 12教育
6686体育集团官网学校董事会 consists of 17 public schools that are preparing more than 12,000 student’s Pre-K through 12th grade to be tomorrow’s leaders. It also employees more than 2,000 professional, paraprofessional and auxiliary staff. 的 students in Highlands County represent more than 55 countries and speak 32 languages, 使我们的社区变得非常多样化.
的 District supports 的 talents and multiple interests of our students through choice programs such as International Baccalaureate, 跳级, 双录取, Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program, 高地职业学院 以及众多行业认证. 今年,该地区大约有1名学生,031 students in 跳级 classes, 289 in 的 International Baccalaureate program, 和1,447在AVID项目. 在职业课程方面, last year 780 students earned industry certification or a digital tool. 的 Highlands County school district has many high achieving students who are pursuing a variety of career paths and will be well-equipped to be our future workforce.